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Pacific Gas & Electric


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About Pacific Gas & Electric

Incorporated in 1905, Pacific Gas and Electric, also known as PG&E or simply PGE, is based in San Francisco. A subsidiary of the PG&E Corporation, PG&E delivers electricity and natural gas to roughly 16 million customers in northern and central California.

PG&E natural gas rates

Plan NamePlan LengthRate
Spark Energy - Loyalty 2424 months$0.6490 / therm
Spark Energy - Blue 1212 months$0.6990 / therm

Please note: All rates above are accurate as of 8/3/2020 for utility PG&E. Rates may have changed since this date. For the most up to date rates in your area, please enter your zip code above.

Understanding deregulation in California

The California energy market was deregulated in 1995, allowing private retail suppliers to compete with the utility companies. Following an energy crisis in 2000-2001, natural gas is currently deregulated , while electricity is not. The term “deregulation” is intimidating to many people, but it just means that you have the power to choose your energy provider and rate plan.

Deregulation is not the same as no regulation. The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) regulates utilities throughout the state. If you cannot resolve an issue with your energy supplier, contact the Consumer Affairs Branch at 800-649-7570.

How can Choose Energy help?

At Choose Energy, we’re proud to offer the resources you need to learn about deregulation and how it affects you, as well as to help choose the retail supplier and rate plan that are right for you. Here are just a few of the commonly asked questions we can answer:

What is PG&E’s price to compare?

To accurately compare PGE gas rates to those of local suppliers, you need the “price to compare.” This is the base charge, or price per therm (100,000 BTUs), that the utility company charges. As of August 2020, PGE’s base charge is $1.41454/therm. Since the electricity market is not currently deregulated, PGE electric rates are the price you will pay. However, the company does offer a variety of rate plans.

Want to know if you can beat the price to compare by switching to a retail supplier? Simply enter your ZIP code above.

What is the difference between a utility and a supplier?

Arguably one of the most confusing things about deregulation is the difference between a utility and a supplier. Utility companies such as PG&E deliver natural gas to your home and are responsible for the infrastructure. Retail suppliers set your rates and are responsible for your billing. If you have an outage or emergency, you will contact your utility. For billing problems, you will contact your supplier. Note that if PG&E also acts as your supplier if you don’t select a different retail supplier.

Which suppliers are available in PG&E’s service area?

Common suppliers in PG&E’s service area include Spark Energy, XOOM Energy, and Just Energy. There may be additional options available depending on exactly where you live. For a complete list of natural gas suppliers in your area, enter your ZIP code above.

Contact Pacific Gas & Electric

If you have an outage or emergency, or if PG&E is your supplier, you can contact the company in the following ways:

  • For online support, click here.
  • Report an outage or emergency: 800-743-5000
  • Customer service: 800-743-5000

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