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Elizabethtown Gas Nj

Elizabethtown Gas


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What is Elizabethtown Gas?

Founded in 1855, Elizabethtown Gas delivers natural gas to over 292,000 customers in New Jersey. The company offers services to residential, business, and industrial customers. It is a subsidiary of South Jersey Industries in 2018. The supplier covers counties including Union, Middlesex, Sussex, Warren, Hunterdon, Morris, and Mercer. 

You may be able to lower your utility bill with Elizabethtown Gas by switching energy suppliers. Enter your ZIP code above to get started!

Elizabethtown Gas rates

Plan NamePlan LengthRate
Constelllation - 36 Month Home Natural Gas Plan36 months$0.619 / therm
Constellation - 12 Month Home Natural Gas Plan12 months$0.639 / therm
Constellation - 6 Month Home Natural Gas Plan6 months$0.679 / therm

Please note: All rates above are accurate as of 12/22/2020 for utility Elizabethtown Gas. Rates may have changed since this date. For the most up to date rates in your area, please enter your zip code above

Understanding Deregulation in New Jersey

New Jersey has a deregulated energy market. That means the supply and delivery portions of your natural gas bill must be separate. The supply part of your service is open to competition. In short, you can shop around for the best supplier according to rates, terms, etc. 

If you’re shopping around for a natural gas supplier, you can learn how to switch suppliers and get energy buying resources here at Choose Energy. Elizabethtown Gas only deals in natural gas. 

New Jersey also has a deregulated electric market. If you’re interested in shopping for cheap electricity prices in New Jersey, check out the following resources:

Elizabethtown Gas "Price to Compare"

The price to compare is the company’s standard default cost. For Elizabethtown Gas, the current natural gas price is $0.5197 cents per therm. You can use this rate to make a comparison between the default plan offered by your utility company and rates offered by energy suppliers. 

If another supplier’s price is lower than the base price offered by Elizabethtown Gas, you can save the difference by switching to a new supplier. Enter your ZIP code to see the rates offered in your neighborhood.

What is the difference between a utility and a supplier?

Your gas utility delivers your gas supply through its wires and pipes. It also responds to emergencies like a gas leak, no matter your supplier. Your gas supplier is the company that sells you the gas that your utility sends to your home. 

Which suppliers are available in Elizabethtown Gas’s service area?

Suppliers available in Elizabethtown Gas’s service area include:

Contact Elizabethtown Gas

Here’s how to report outages, ask questions about transmission rates, and access your bill if you buy energy from Elizabethtown Gas:

  • Access your bill online
  • Outages and gas leaks: 800-492-4009
  • Customer service number: 800-242-5830

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