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Which state had the largest electricity rate hike?

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By Arthur Murray April 17th, 2019
2 min read
For business

Only one state had a double-digit decrease – Kansas, where rates were 10.29 cents/kWh. That was 14 percent lower than the previous month. Thirty states recorded decreases ranging from 0.1 percent to the aforementioned 14 percent.

Following are the 10 states with the largest decreases from the previous month:

Where were the highest and lowest electricity rates?

The nation’s highest electricity rates in January were in Hawaii, where they 32.09 cents/kWh. As noted above, that was actually a 6.8 percent decrease from the previous month. Four of the next five highest rates were in the Northeast. Following are the states with the highest rates:

As for the lowest rates, Oklahoma prices were the nation’s lowest at 8.80 cents/kWh – more than 29 percent lower than the national average. Following are the nation’s lowest rates during that month:

How do states with lower rates generate most of their electricity?

Of the 20 states with the lowest electricity rates in January, nearly half generated most of their electricity by burning coal. But the two with the lowest rates, Oklahoma and Louisiana, burned natual gas for the largest percentage of their power.

Following are the 20 states with the lowest rates for electricity, the largest source of that power, and the percentage generated by that source:

As for the states with the highest rates, natural gas also played a prominent role. Half of the 10 most expensive rates were in states where natural gas provided the largest source of electricity. Following are those states, the largest source of their electricity, and the percentage generated by that source:

For complete rates by state information, including comparisons to the same month of 2018, see the Choose Energy Electricity Rates by State page. For more information about energy generation by various sources, including solar, wind, and nuclear, see the Choose Energy Data Center.

Arthur directs’s newsroom, taking advantage of nearly 30 years of newspaper and magazine experience. A native of Virginia, Arthur attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and graduated with a bachelor’s in journalism. Reach out to us with any questions or concerns.