Discussions surrounding climate change are generating outrage and protests from experts and the general public alike. With bleak predictions from scientists and high-profile stories such as the Amazon wildfires, an increasing amount of the population are demanding immediate action from policymakers.
The climate is currently warming at a faster rate than has been recorded in the last 2,000 years, and experts predict that record-breaking fatal heat will continue to worsen in the near future.
The Union of Concerned Scientists recently released a grave forecast reporting the average number of days with a heat index above 100°F will more than double, while the number of days per year above 105°F is set to quadruple between 2036–2065 unless significant changes take place.
“Within the next 20 years, many people in the United States will be faced with heat unlike any they have dealt with before,” the scientists report in “Killer Heat in the United States.
Severe warnings regarding climate change are becoming more common, but have not been enough to significantly impact clean energy policy or legislation. For that, climate activists plan to take their message to the streets, organizing public protests and demonstrations to call attention to the dangers of rising temperatures.