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Commercial Energy for Property Management and Apartment Buildings

Choose Energy can help find business plans for apartment complexes and property management companies

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For business

Property manager searching for commercial energy rates on a laptopKilito Chan/Moment/Getty images

Understanding commercial energy rates

Property management and apartment complexes can benefit from shopping around for commercial energy rates and plans in many deregulated energy markets. Businesses pay lower electricity prices than residential customers because they use more energy. On average, businesses consume 6,019 kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity per month, while households use 899 kWh per month.

The average U.S. commercial electricity rate is 12.39 cents per kWh, according to the latest Energy Information Administration (EIA) data. It is 24% lower than the average residential rate (15.73 cents per kWh). Commercial energy rates are determined by your monthly consumption, peak usage times, and other factors. Property management companies can save on commercial electricity rates through bulk purchasing.

Choose Energy can help find business plans for apartment complexes and property management companies. Call 855-404-2027 to connect with our business energy experts. They can help you discover the best rates and build a customized commercial electricity plan.

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