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Compare electricity rates in Albany


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Albany energy rates

Situated 135 miles north of New York City, Albany is a thriving metropolis of 100,000 people. Albany was one of the first cities in the world to have electricity in its homes, which is helpful in a climate that produces snowy winters and humid summers. These conditions place pressure on energy sources, as residents run their heating in winter and air-conditioning in summer. Albany energy prices are steep, running at around 1.7 times the national average. However, deregulation and increased competition has helped bring those prices down and allowed consumers to search for better deals. Enter your ZIP code above to check out the electricity and natural gas plans available in Albany and compare rates.

Albany energy deregulation

New York made the first steps toward deregulation in 1999, with the founding of the New York Independent System Operator. The NYISO helped oversee the privatization of the existing industry and continued to regulate the wholesale market afterwards. Prior to 1999, Albany energy prices had been on a steady upwards trajectory, but the changes in the market have halted that rise, relative to inflation. Energy deregulation in Albany is at a more mature stage than most other markets in the US, and consumers there enjoy a wide range of energy options.

Albany utility companies & energy providers

Energy deregulation in Albany means that providers must now compete for business. The way deregulation has been implemented also means that consumers do not have to worry about interruptions to their energy supply if they choose to switch providers. This is because the industry is broken into two parts: wires companies, that deliver the energy to your home or business and energy providers who sell the energy. In practice, it means that consumers can choose the company that offers them the best deal. National Grid (Niagara Mohawk) is the wires company in Albany. A wide selection of Albany energy suppliers are available to choose from, and Choose Energy has a partnership with several, including Clearview Energy, Public Power, and Constellation.

Albany renewable energy

Over 22 percent of New York’s energy comes from renewable sources, with the majority coming from hydroelectricity generated by Niagara Falls hydroelectricity power plants. Renewable energy in Albany is in big demand, with many customers looking to do their part to help the environment by switching to providers that offer 100 percent renewable energy.

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