Once your Thanksgiving festivities have ended, you’ll likely feel extra-thankful for your dishwasher. Once again, Energy Star certified dishwashers are the most energy efficient options available. These models will save an average of 3,870 gallons of water over the course of its lifetime. These dishwashers typically consume 10 percent less energy than other models.
Of course, there are other ways to maintain efficiency even if your dishwasher isn’t Energy Star certified. Only run your dishwasher when it has reached full capacity. This habit ensures you get the most out of every cycle your dishwasher runs.
You can also turn the water temperature down on your home’s water tank. Heating the water is the most energy-intensive part of running your dishwasher. Turning your water tank thermostat down to 120 degrees can help you save a substantial amount of your dishwasher’s energy consumption.
Caitlin Ritchie is a writer within the energy and power industry. Born in Georgia, she attended the University of Georgia before earning her master’s in English at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
[Valeria Aksakova/Shutterstock