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How to save by switching energy providers

The Choose Energy Team
By The Choose Energy Team April 4th, 2019
2 min read
For business

Ways to save by switching

Deregulated energy doesn’t just give you a choice between energy plans or suppliers, it also can provide major savings on your monthly energy bills. Here are’s best tips to make the most of your deregulated energy savings:

1. First things first – how much energy do you need?

To determine the best deregulated plan for you, you’ll first want to find out how much energy you’ll be using every month. You don’t need a deep understanding of kilowatt-hours or price-to-compare models to figure out your monthly energy usage – you just need our Energy Estimator. (But if you do need help decoding the energy language, our Choose Energy Glossary is the perfect place to start.)

2. Sign up during the offseason

Don’t wait till your AC is doing overtime to sign up for a deregulated energy plan! Since energy usage is highest during the winter and summer months, rates during those times can be higher too. The solution? Lock in a low rate during the fall or spring to carry your savings through peak seasons. Enter your ZIP code at the top of this page to sign up today.

3. Weigh your term options

If you think signing a three-year contract automatically ensures a lower rate than a six-month contract, think again. Sometimes, short-term contracts are actually less expensive than their multi-year counterparts. However, once the contract is up, there is no guarantee that the available rates will not have increased since you first signed up. To determine what term length is best for you, consider the pros and cons of “setting and forgetting” your rate, and check out our Electricity Rates by State for more information.

4. Consider supplier benefits

Some suppliers offer bonus services, such as home improvement programs or efficiency upgrades for new or existing customers.  These home services often come at a discounted rate, and can provide long-term savings on your electricity bill. If you’ve already found a plan that fits your needs, visit our Energy Suppliers page to find out if the one you’ve picked has any extra benefits.

5. Beware of hidden fees

Choose Energy strives to be as transparent as possible with our customers, so there will never be any hidden fees that show up after-the-fact. However, some plans and suppliers do have early termination fees, so be sure to thoroughly review the plan details before signing up.

6. Good for the environment, great for your wallet

You might think that green energy plans inherently cost more, but that’s a myth we’re here to dispel. There are renewable energy plans that are actually less expensive than comparable options. If a green energy plan is out of your price range, consider purchasing Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) to offset your carbon footprint.

7. Bad credit? No worries!

At Choose Energy, we believe all energy consumers in a deregulated area should be able to take control of their energy supply. That’s why we offer a range of quality plans that don’t require any credit checks for signup. Keep in mind, these plans do often require a deposit. Choose Energy also features options for prepaid plans – you simply pay for the energy you use upfront.

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